
Showing posts from September, 2018

I am in abyss....

Painting by Sejuti Biswas I retreat in my shell, Coiled are my emotions in a knot, So tight, unable to loosen, Trust was thwarted, Beliefs are threatened, Imprisoned in mess, Wondered and wondered, Ever I would be free. Bereft of sleep, Tears die, Eyes are dry, I see and see, Moments fly. Pitter-Patter, Pitter-Patter, Droplets of rain on the leaflets, The little squirrel; nodding his head, Spraying the drops in happiness, Little robin wish to play, Greenish hue in display, Beam of sunlight in array, Closing my eyes, I abandon myself, To assimilate the rain, Paving the way for the pain to flee, Shackles I break. To be free, Consciousness is restored, Peace is with me. 


I look down, Red soil beckons me, I look up, Sky is wide, Gleeful I, Feeling Why? The tracks are drawn, I am blown, Riding on a cycle van, Dangling legs, Brushing leaves, Salty feel, I relish. Boys run, In droves, Rolling tyres,  In the meadows, Parrots flock,  In the groves. Languishing lazy,  Are the cows. Soaking warmth,  In the winter Sun. Glowing embers, Cooking gruel, Wrinkled lines, With gummy smile, Waving happy, Ladle in hand! Sudden laughter, Intrigue me,  Arms entwined, In a wedded bliss. Gurgling sound, I hear, I am near, I am near, Windy sweep, Makes me leap. The calm sea, Spellbound me, Flawless horizon, Envelope me, Gleeful I, Wondering, Why me! Why me!


Photograph by Sudip Bhattacharya Silent wind, Peeping through the slits, To unearth the mysteries, Clouds whisper, 'Remain quiet'. Candles lit, Choir begin, Tresses flowing, Kneeling, Folded hands, Submission, In reverence. Tears flow, Replete with pain, Lost her beloved, In a war of revenge, Sudden cry; Loud in anguish, Penetrating the walls. Wind trembles, 'You whiz past without care. Have you seen the scars, the walls bear? With each cry, the edifice slide in the sands of time.' The torrential rain assuage the pain. Scars are in oblivion, The walls remain erect devoid of stains, Whitewashed as bright as day.


Night When terror breathes, Day when terror unleash, Ubiquitous are the bullets, Splinters of glasses, Eyes bleed, Sun has eclipsed, Ghetto squeezes out the simplicity, Manifested in a tender gaze. Wandering in a quest for gentle breeze, Lost in a blizzard of insanity, Rhythm creeps into his being, Whispers; defy gravity, Spinning on his toes, Arms outstretched, Takes a leap, Eclipse dissipates in oblivion, Day dawns, Flies he around with pigeons of peace. 


Through the window, I leave and fly, Towards the horizon, I rise and rise, Daybreak dawns, Gentle breeze nudges, The sea undulates, I wave and wave. Calmness enfolds, I hold his hand, Traversing the fields, the groves, Lotus in ponds, Dewdrops in wings, I believe, A distant call; the reality unfolds,


Running with an eagle's eye, Perspiration rolls down, Burnished skin sparkle, Braving the might of the Sun. Touches the mango tree. Standing alone in the paddy field, Looking across the wide expanse. Barefoot in tattered clothes, Dishevelled strands sway, Her dreams rise' As high as birds fly. Poverty stare, She doesn't fear, There goes the football, With lightning speed, Kicks the ball, Power unleashed, Despite rice and lentil. Hima runs, With steady stare. Moments to go, Sprints hard, Reaching the sky, Anthem begins. Tears cascade, Victory of grit, Toil speak, Pride of India, Is our Hima.