My Thoughts My City

The rolling of wheels on rails,
Slow and steady,
I look through the window,
History stares,
Derelict buildings telling many a tale,
Unknown freedom fighters' last drop of blood,
Renditions that were immortalised,
Yet lost in the narrow by lanes,
Girish Mancho stands tall,
Noti Binodini's act in tandem with Girish Babu's dream,

A pitch so high,
Makes me rise,
Busy are the babus,
Bargaining to buy,
Toll of bells and incense,
Humming waves in the Ganges.

I stand still;
People immerse themselves to rejuvenate,
Somewhere soliloquy, 
Somewhere romanticism,
Somewhere flowers,
To be gathered,
Before leaving the world.

Amazed when I see the boys embracing the Ganges;
fearless with a spirit of adventurous optimism.

A journey through the by lanes of North Kolkata.
Girish Mancho is an auditorium in the memory of theatrical exponent Girish Chandra Ghosh.
Noti Binodini is a famous actress whom Girish Babu had directed in many plays.


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