Traversing through the hills, plains and beaches,
I searched and searched,
I looked at the snow caped peaks,
Glistening when crimson rays fall,
I looked at the seagulls,
Flying so low,
Drenched in droplets of waves,
I looked at the green fields,
Plantlets of rice in rows,
The ponds abundant with white lotuses,
Hanging are the succulent mangoes,
Enticing the parrots to pick them with red beaks,
Haystack piled high on her head,
Smiling at me covering half of her face,
Even the Moon peeping through the bamboo leaves,
could not console me.

I was receding in a shell,
Slowly and steadily,
A shadow wanted to devour,
I escaped to the desert,
Running amuck and wild,
Clinking of bangles,
Dozens of colours,
Floral skirts, 
Bordered with mirrors,
Arms locked,
Feet together,
Round and round,
They go,
Mesmerised I,
Standing a while.

Sudden snatch!
I went round and round,
French knot loosened,
The windy sweep,
Made me weep,
I crept out,
Looking behind.
A little gypsy with a missing tooth,
Hurling stones at the shadow,
Bleeding shadow waved at me,
'You win, I lose'
No more did I search,
I marched and marched without fear.



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