Kalinga War Memorial: Stupa at Dhaulagiri
                                             Orissa, (India)

Wailing in agony,
   Gashes wide and deep,
   Blood oozing out.
   Still warm,
   Breathing with effort,
   The eyes speak,
   'I want to live',
   The lashes speak
   'I want to sleep'.

  Emperor Ashoka,
  Conqueror of Kalinga,
  On a chariot; witnessing,
  Elephants, humans, horses
  Making mountains of dead,
  A toddler trying to awaken,
  A woman lying in silence,
  Adorned with armour,
  Fought with valour,
  But in vain, in vain,
  Crying aloud,
  Hand towards heaven,
  Tears question,
  'Where is my mother',
  'Where is she, oh! Lord?

  Tresses in disarray,
  Running wild,
  A woman's diatribe,
  'Killed my father, husband and son.
  Tell me why? Tell me why?'
  Pleading with remorse,
  In anguish she screams 
 'How will I live....
  How will I...how will I?
  Penetrating his heart,
 The cry echoes,
  Day in, day out. 

  Sleep has eloped,
  Uninterrupted pace,
  Up and down,
  To and fro,
  Evading the cries,
  Crouching low,
  Haunted and hounded.
  Every moment,
  Burden of curses,
  Made him devil incarnate.

  Insane with grief,
  Ashoka cries,
 'Victory is vile.
  Victory is vile..
  Wiped out Kalinga
  is my guile'.
  Awaiting penitence,
  He survives.

  Buddham Sharanam Gatchami,
  Dharmam Sharanam Gatchami,
  Eyes that never shut,
  For a moment close,
  Resplendent Buddha,
  Standing tall,
  Exuding radiance, 
  'Violence is vengeance,
   Abdicate and abhor,
   Sacred is your soul,
   Let it be enlightened,
   With the lamp of justice'.
  Sangham Sharanam Gatchami 
  Submerged in waves of positivity,
  Ashoka is reborn,
  Heralding a new dawn, 
  An era of wisdom, contentment and peace.





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