She is no more....

Justice Leila Seth (India)
First Woman Chief Justice of a State High Court

She is no more,

Her vermillion bindi,
In the midst of forehead,
Exudes radiance,
Reflected from the crystals of depth,
Canoeing her way through the river of life,
Attains She a feat, 
Unlike her times,
When women are coerced into submission.

The misty morning is no more morbid,
Resting her hand on her boy,
A beginning she envisage,
Flying across the rainbow,
Towards the land of justice.

Adorning the robe of law,
Walks into the domain of men,
Unfettered, with fearless acumen,
Creates a niche,
Imparting judgements,
Untainted; truth remains,
Crime perishes.

Being judgemental she abhors,
Preferences are beliefs,
Empathises with women's angst,
Condemns the violence.

She is no more,
Her thoughts remain in a stream of words,
I sit by the stream,
Eager to fly across the rainbow.


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