I have a dream

Painting by Sejuti Biswas

Rain is in the air,
Drenched in its warmth,
I frolic my feet,
Into water filled potholes,
Spraying droplets,
My hair drips,
A strum of guitar,
Waves of
'On top of the world',
Inundated in,
'I have a dream',

I groove to let me feel,
The arms surrounding,
Securing me in their fold,
Oblivious to skepticism,
Alienating the ridicule,
Surmounting the obstacles,
A knight in shining armour,
Swirling me in twists and turns,
An aura of rainbow glowing on lips,
Waiting for the angels,
To place the train of veil,
Fastened with a tiara of white rose,
A man and woman are born,
Ready to surrender,
An oath to transcend their love,
In an unending territory,
Into an eternity. 


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